Meet Us at LightFair 2022 in Las Vegas

Meet Us at LightFair 2022 in Las Vegas Dear Customers and Friends, LEADSUN sincerely invites you to the LightFair 2022 held in Las Vegas Convention Center. We are proud to present the latest grid-free lighting technology and provide you with reliable solar power solutions. LightFair is the premier, annual architecture and commercial lighting trade show […]
Solar Lights a Pathway Through Lockdown

Solar Lights a Pathway Through Lockdown Thanks to the Covid-19 many of us find ourselves in lockdown with little reprieve other than a morning potter or an evening stroll. In Goulburn, thanks to what is being called Australia’s largest solar path light installation, locals can now more easily walk and cycle their way to the […]
What is SMART Public Lighting

What is SMART Public Lighting Sustainable Environmentally friendly solutions that require no power from the grid Modern Aesthetically pleasing innovative and technical functionality Adaptable Can be installed where power is not available Robust Dependable performance through electricity blackouts & brownouts Technology Advanced innovation that intelligently reacts to it’s surrounding environment Why SMART Public Lighting? Adjustable lighting […]
Leadsun July Newsletter

Leadsun July Newsletter Sign up form below if you’d like to subscribe It’s been a huge month. With unprecedented numbers of people accessing public recreational areas across Australia due to COVID-19 – and councils needing to provide safe access to those spaces – we’ve been busier than ever bringing the light of day into the […]
Wodonga Council Plans Expansion of Solar Pathway Network

Wondonga Council Plans Expansion of Solar Pathway Network as the Number of People Walking Increases With more people walking and 31% of people walking more than usual during COVID-19 the Wodonga Council is doing what more councils are being urged to do – invest in solar pathway lighting. Victoria Walks Executive Officer Ben Rossiter […]
Housing New Zealand – Solar Shared Pathway Lighting

Housing New Zealand – Solar Shared Pathway Lighting Housing New Zealand’s challenge is to provide housing for the nation’s most vulnerable people in a way that’s safe, healthy, sustainable, and cost-effective. The Leadsun solar street light is helping to meet those needs. This HNZ development on Auckland’s North Shore is one of many new communities […]
Installation Cost Comparison

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SMART Solar Public Lighting Project

AUSTRALIA’S LARGEST SMART SOLAR PUBLIC LIGHTING PROJECT COMPLETED AS THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WALKING INCREASES With more people walking and 31% of people walking more than usual during COVID, the Goulburn Mulwaree Council in New South Wales invests in a SMART solar public lighting project. As part of a milestone project, Leadsun, one of the […]
Solar LED Lighting for Safer Walking Tracks

Solar LED Lighting Relief – Channel 9 News Story Campaigning for More Accessible and Safer Walking Tracks Three times as many Victorians are searching for walking maps online and Heart Foundation figures show 31 percent of Australians were walking more during the COVID-19 lockdown period. Now, residents in Victorian and fitness groups are beding called […]
Wodonga Council Lights The Way

Wodonga Council Plans Expansion of Solar Pathway Network as The Number of People Walking Increases There are more than 100 solar lights installed to illuminate paths across Wodonga with another 47 new solar lights to be installed in the next stage. Wodonga Council’s sport and recreation manager Liona Edwards and deputy mayor Brian Mitchell met […]