Established in 2005, LEADSUN is a globally recognized provider and integrator of compact All-In-One solar energy systems, specializing in a wide range of Off-Grid Intelligent LED Light and Power Solutions.
LEADSUN continually strives to provide its customers with the most up-to-date, cost-effective, sustainable, and easy to install solar-powered lighting products. Our core focus is on technical innovation and quality, providing our business with a future-proofed direction and platform for growth that can bring on real and sustainable change to this world.
Combining renewable energy with next-generation lighting and wireless IoT technology, our mission is to make our solutions as cost-effective, practical, and functional as possible. As consumers become more environmentally aware, more conscious of their hip pocket, and begin to steer away from grid-connected lighting, our goal is to plug the world into an infinite source of green and free energy, coupled with intelligent and autonomous technology.